How to access WordPress functions in external file

WordPress functions are very useful and solve lots of issue. But normally, we can access it only inside the wordpress files like themes, plugins etc. Wouldn’t it be great if we can access these [...]

How to add Class in li using functions in wordpress

Sometimes you need to customize the default wordpress menu system to add your own set of css classes. WordPress provides a couple of filters to do that. I use these snippets to add custom classes [...]

How to add custom logo in WordPress theme

If you want to add Custom Logo in your wordpress theme. you can follow below steps. 1) Adding Custom Logo support to your Theme To enable the use of a custom logo in your theme, add the following [...]

How to add date and author column in custom taxonomy term page.

1) First we need to create a custom taxonomy name company. check below code and copy it to your functions.php file 2) if your taxonomy is created copy below code and pest in to functions.php file

How to Add New Tab to My Account Page in WooCommerce

// Note: add_action must follow'woocommerce_account_{your-endpoint-slug}_endpoint' format Use a Shortcode for ContentYou could even use the core WordPress function do_shortcode and render a [...]

How to add span on WordPress Title for second word.

If you want to add two different color in your the title tag. you can use below code.

How to Adding new Row class for every 3 post in WordPress loop

if you want to add row after 3 post hare is the solution. use below code wherever you want. NOTE: I’m using bootstrap class for html structure and while loop for post repeat. you can use [...]

How to change WordPress sub-menu class

Sometimes you need to customize the default WordPress menu system to add your own set of CSS classes. WordPress provides a couple of filters to do that. I use these codes to add custom classes to [...]

How to Create a Custom Advanced Search form And Result Page in WordPress

If you want to create a advance search with post title, post content , post category and location. follow below steps. 1) Put this code anywhere in your theme’s functions.php 3) Let’s create a [...]